FastBound Website Integration

Our FastBound website integration with Make Ready Armz allows you to automatically pull / push much of your important processes and information between the website and FastBound A/D book. This allows you to start and finish acquisitions, to add products, customers, and start dispisitions with associated data all from your website and it will duplicate the process in your A/D book for you! See some examples below!

FastBound’s dedicated focus on firearms compliance has protected more FFLs than any other provider. Only FastBound offers a true guaranteed legal defense related to using our software.

FastBound’s Electronic A&D software streamlines compliance for Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) with easy-to-use, ATF-approved record-keeping. Eliminate manual errors, save time, and gain peace of mind with automated 4473 forms, robust audit features, and guaranteed legal protections. Make compliance hassle-free.

Adding Acquisitions

With our FastBound integration, you’re able to add pending acquisitions very easily from a tab on your website. Once a pending acquisition has been made and product has been associated to it (which can be done on the website), then you’re able to accept the pending acquisition without leaving your website as well. 

If you are on our Make Ready Armz point of sale (POS) then you also have the ability to use a barcode scanner to scan product in, as well as associate that product to a pending acquisition. 

Quick & EFFICIENT Features

When using our FastBound integration. Many of your standard website processes have integrated A/D book features to help speed up your processes. 

One of which is the “Add contact to FastBound” feature. This will use the data from the customers FFL dealer selection at the time of their order to create a contact in your FastBound account for you.

Another is our “Add Disposition” feature which takes your order information such as product UPC, Serial, etc and find the FFL item in your A/D book before auto associating the products to your new pending disposition. 

Item list view

When using our FastBound integration you’re able to view a list of all the products in your FastBound account. You have the ability to filter by present, disposed, as well as several other filters. You’re also able to add new products without leaving your website!

As mentioned above when you take an order for a product marked FFL item you will be prompted with a serial number selection. Based on the product UPC and your serial selection it will find the FFL item in your FastBound account and automatically associate the product as it starts a pending disposition for you.