Make Ready Armz FFL Finder
Are your a federal firearms dealer (FFL)? Do you need to sell firearms online, but fear the manual process of it? We’re here to help! Our FFL Finder gives you the ability to prompt your customers with a series of processes that make your digital firearms transaction easier for you. This includes an automatic check vs a database of FFLs for each transaction. See more below.
Confirmation Prompt
All products tagged as firearms will prompt a series of processes specific to firearms products. The first step is when the customer gets to the checkout page, they are met with a confirmation prompt where they must confirm “I am the legal age” before they can proceed.
FFL Finder + FFLScope
After the customer enters their zip code and hits “Find Dealers” on the checkout page the system will contact FFLScope a large database of FFL information and in milliseconds it responds with active FFLs for you customer to choose from for you to ship to.
It provides you with the FFLs business information such as address, phone number, FFL Number and even a photo of their FFL (if on file, if not you can submit it).
FFLScope by FastBound
ORganize your data
The customers information as well as their FFL to ship to choice is saved on your order screen so you can refer back to it at anytime.
We also have built in the ability for you to give a serial number to any firearm marked product. This allows you to choose which serial you are shipping for the order so this information is also saved for future reference.
If you have our FastBound A/D book integration many of these elements tie in perfectly as well.