A gun friendly ecommerce site needs a blog far more than many other online product retailers out there. It is a great way of spreading necessary information and attracting your target audience. Some of the top benefits of blogging on your site include the following:
It Will Drive Traffic to Your Site
Having a great blog is one of the best and least expensive ways to get your target audience to visit your website. Moreover, it will also aid your SEO efforts considerably. Once you pepper your blog with the right keywords, the search engines will find them and display them for your target audience. However, value addition is the key here. Mere keyword stuffing will not do the trick. On the contrary, it just might increase your bounce rate.
Today’s search engines are smart. If too many visitors leave the site within a few seconds, Google will know you are not adding value and downgrade your rankings accordingly. However, excellent shooting tips, gun safety courses, and the like will increase your engagement with your audience. Ultimately, your site will become the ‘go-to’ authority for all firearms-related content. It is a win-win situation for both you and your customers!
Blogs Help Build Credibility
A blog section full of useful and informational content will automatically show your target market that you are a trusted source. Many people love to learn all they can before making an important purchase decision. Much the same holds for the gun owners’ community. If you can help them make an informed purchase decision, they will rather purchase from you, than anyone else.
Once you start writing about weapons and accessories they find interesting and want to buy, they will see you as more of an adviser than a simple business. In time, they will trust your recommendations over other sources and enter your web-marketing tunnel accordingly.
They Are Great Conversation Starters
Blogging enables you to start a direct conversation with your potential customers. All you need is a comment section below your blog where people can discuss your blog with you and with each other. If you use your blogging skills to encourage your readers to share their thoughts and feedback, you will be well on your way towards creating a community.
Ultimately, blogging is one of the best ways for any gun friendly ecommerce website to engage with its target audience. Just make sure you write what they want to read, and you will have a bustling ecommerce site in no time at all.